Serving Granbury and Greater Texas

Willow Mark Therapy PLLC

Willow Mark Therapy PLLC

Serving Granbury and Greater Texas


Do I Have Separation Anxiety Quiz

separation anxiety in adults

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Takeaway: It’s normal to feel stressed from time to time. However, if you constantly feel anxious when alone or separated from a loved one, there might be something deeper going on. Our separation anxiety quiz can help you understand whether this is something you struggle with–and what to do about it. 

Have you ever felt a knot in your stomach when leaving a loved one, or experienced a sense of dread at the thought of being apart from certain family members? This unease, if intense and persistent, might not just be ordinary worry—it could be a sign of separation anxiety. It’s a condition often masked as simple fear or overprotectiveness but can deeply affect your social life and relationships.

We’ll explore key aspects like the physical signs of anxiety, how it differs from ordinary worry, and when this fear crosses into the realm of a disorder. Whether you’re questioning your own feelings or are just curious about the topic, this quiz aims to shed light on the often misunderstood world of separation anxiety.

do i have separation anxiety quiz

Understanding separation anxiety

“Do I just worry a lot, or could this be something like separation anxiety?” It’s important to know the difference. Separation anxiety isn’t just about feeling worried sometimes; it’s a real type of anxiety that makes someone feel really scared or nervous about being away from people they are close to, like family or friends.

People with separation anxiety feel this fear a lot. They might stress all the time about something bad happening to their loved ones when they’re not together. They could feel really sad or upset when they have to be apart from them. Some even get headaches or feel sick in their stomach when they think about being separated. This can make it hard for them to do normal things like go to school, hang out with friends, or even just leave the house.

It’s more than just missing someone; it’s a feeling that doesn’t go away easily and can make everyday things really hard to do. Understanding what separation anxiety is and knowing the signs can help us figure out what to do next.

Separation anxiety in adults quiz

Separation anxiety is not just a childhood phenomenon. Adults, too, experience separation anxiety, leading to physical symptoms, sleep disturbances, and significant impairment in daily functioning.

To help you evaluate this, we’ve prepared a separation anxiety test. Each question is designed to probe into different aspects of separation anxiety. Reflect on your feelings and behaviors as you answer them.

Do You Worry Excessively About Being Away From Loved Ones?

A – Frequently: You often find yourself consumed with negative thoughts about being away from certain family members or loved ones. This worry is intense and hard to control.

B – Sometimes: You do experience discomfort about being away from loved ones, but it’s not overwhelming or constant.

C – Rarely: You are seldom concerned about being separated from loved ones; it’s not a trouble that occupies your thoughts regularly.

Do You Experience Physical Symptoms When Anticipating Separation?

A – Frequently: Symptoms like nausea, headaches, or a racing heart are common for you when you think about being separated from loved ones.

B – Sometimes: You might experience mild symptoms on occasion when facing separation, but they’re not a regular occurrence.

C – Rarely: You don’t typically experience physical symptoms related to the thought of separation.

Does the Thought of Separation Lead to Difficulty Sleeping?

A – Frequently: You regularly have difficulty sleeping, perhaps due to repeated nightmares or restless thoughts about separation.

B – Sometimes: There are times when worries about separation might affect your sleep, but it’s not a consistent pattern.

C – Rarely: Your sleep is generally unaffected by thoughts of being separated from loved ones.

Do You Feel Reluctant to Engage in Activities Away from Loved Ones?

A – Frequently: You frequently feel reluctant or refuse to engage in activities if it means being away from certain people.

B – Sometimes: There are occasions when you prefer not to be away from loved ones, but it doesn’t significantly hinder your participation in activities.

C – Rarely: You don’t often feel reluctant to engage in activities away from your loved ones; it’s not something that bothers you.

Interpreting your results

Alright, now that you’ve answered some important questions about how you feel when you’re away from loved a parent or loved one, let’s talk about what your answers might mean.

If you answered mostly ‘A – Frequently’: This might mean that you have signs of separation anxiety. It seems like you struggle a lot when you’re not with certain people you care about, and your negative thoughts can make you feel sick or have a hard time sleeping. If your concerns lasted more than 6 months, it could be a sign that you’re dealing with separation anxiety disorder or panic disorder.

If your answers were mostly ‘B – Sometimes’: This suggests that you might get worried or nervous sometimes when you’re away from your family or friends, but it’s not all the time. It’s normal to feel this way sometimes, but it doesn’t seem to be a big problem for you.

If you mostly picked ‘C – Rarely’: This means that you don’t often fear being away from your loved ones. It’s great that you feel comfortable and okay most of the time when you’re on your own or doing things without your family or friends.

Remember, this quiz is just to give you some ideas about how you’re feeling. If you do think you might have a separation anxiety disorder, the best thing to do is to talk to someone like a licensed professional counselor or a doctor who can help figure out what’s going on and what to do about it.

separation anxiety in adults

Get support managing separation anxiety

As you reflect on your feelings and the possibility of having an anxiety disorder or specifically separation anxiety disorder, remember that help is always available. At Willow Mark Therapy PLLC, we specialize in anxiety disorder treatment, and we’re here to support you on your journey to understanding and managing these emotions.

Our practice provides you with a comfortable and safe space where you can openly express your feelings and concerns. We understand that dealing with anxiety is challenging, and you need a counselor you can trust. Our experienced therapists can equip you with the knowledge and skill to control your fear as well as live a more satisfying life. Whether it’s separation anxiety or any other form of anxiety, we’re here to help you find the best path forward.

We believe that the first step towards healing is reaching out. We’re here to listen, support, and work with you toward a more comfortable and fulfilling life.

Jennifer caudle, lpc
founder of willow mark therapy pllc

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